Quick Start

MountaiNow - Safer Together

How to check conditions ?

Nearby (within 30 km of your location): Turn GPS on, tracks and observations around you will automatically show on the main map (Home).  Tap on any Track/Observation to get details.

Beyond: Search the map for a point of interest and discover the latest tracks around this point (still within 30 km), condition-levels, photos, comments, and more. Tap, swipe, enlarge playing with the App's features.



How to read colours ?

Caution : « Green » doesn't mean « Easy » !

A green track can be extremely difficult to accomplish technically. Before attempting a track, one should at a minimum check/study the (i) technical difficulties of the track, (ii) skills of the related group, (iii) weather reports, (iv) avalanche/snow bulletins, and (v) terrain.

Within MountaiNow, the colour-code used to describe the Global Conditions of a track should be understood as follows:

Each user indicates a level of Global Conditions (i.e. a colour code) for his/her track.

Colour-coding is inherently subjective and to be interpreted in connection with the following elements: (i) Types of hazards identified on the track (see related icons, photos, comments); and (ii) Level of experience of contributors (see mention next to photos/comments).

Good Conditions: Field conditions are favourable - relative to the technical level of the track
Average Conditions: Field conditions imply minor difficulties - relative to the technical level of the track
Bad Conditions: Field conditions imply major difficulties - relative to the technical level of the track
Very Bad Conditions: Field conditions imply extreme difficulties - relative to the technical level of the track