MountaiNow - Safer Together

MountaiNow aims to provide as much information as possible on the latest mountain conditions and as precise geographically as possible.
Whereas MountaiNow can technically be used anywhere in the world, its operation and relevance are at the moment optimized for the European Alps.
MountaiNow is a decision-support tool, particularly appropriate for the preparation of an outing, and possibly its conduct.
MountaiNow is not intended, in any way, to replace the detailed analysis required for the proper preparation and conduct of an outing, which should include inter-alia the following elements (see e.g. the 3x3 method):
- Technical difficulties
- Weather reports
- Avalanche bulletins
- Terrain features
- Human factors
Also, no external information will ever replace personal judgement from the field - that will often incite to adjust or give up on initial objectives.
Caution: «Green» doesn't mean «Easy»!
A green track on MountaiNow can be extremely difficult to accomplish technically; see Quick-Start